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KCP Breed Database | Breed Profile


FCI Group 10 - Sighthounds


The champion sprinter of dogdom, the Greyhound is a gentle, noble, and sweet-tempered companion with an independent spirit. For thousands of years these graceful hounds have been an object of fascination for artists, poets, and kings. Greyhounds are the essence of the dog breeder's credo 'Form follows function.'� From the narrow, aerodynamic skull to the shock-absorbing pads of the feet, Greyhounds are perfectly constructed for high-speed pursuit. The lean beauty of the Greyhound 'inverted S'� shape, created by the deep chest curving gently into a tightly tucked waist, has been an object of fascination for artists, poets, and kings for as long as human beings have called themselves civilized. Greyhounds are the template from which other coursing hounds have been struck.

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KCP Breed Database
Breed Profile


FCI Group 10 - Sighthounds



The champion sprinter of dogdom, the Greyhound is a gentle, noble, and sweet-tempered companion with an independent spirit. For thousands of years these graceful hounds have been an object of fascination for artists, poets, and kings. Greyhounds are the essence of the dog breeder's credo 'Form follows function.'� From the narrow, aerodynamic skull to the shock-absorbing pads of the feet, Greyhounds are perfectly constructed for high-speed pursuit. The lean beauty of the Greyhound 'inverted S'� shape, created by the deep chest curving gently into a tightly tucked waist, has been an object of fascination for artists, poets, and kings for as long as human beings have called themselves civilized. Greyhounds are the template from which other coursing hounds have been struck.

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