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KCP Breed Database | Breed Profile

Saarloos Wolfhond

FCI Group 1 - Sheepdogs and Cattledogs (except Swiss Cattledogs)


The Saarloos Wolfhond is a dog breed originating from the crossing of a German Shepherd Dog with a Eurasian grey wolf from Siberia. The offspring were then crossed with German Shepherds. The Saarloos wolfhond is a strongly built dog whose build, coat and movement is wolf-like. The height is between 65?75 cm (26?30 in) in males and 60?70 cm (24?28 in) in females.[2] It weighs up to 45 kg (100 lb). It is an athletic dog in build, with medium bone, and a strong and muscular body. It moves lightly on its feet and has an elegant march. Its coat is short and dense, providing good protection from the weather. There are three colours: wolf-grey, red and white. Because the wolf-grey genes are dominant, this is the most common colour. Genes for white colour are recessive, making this uncommon although this colour is accepted. The Saarloos has wolf-like expressions, as well as a wolf-like head.

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KCP Breed Database
Breed Profile

Saarloos Wolfhond

FCI Group 1 - Sheepdogs and Cattledogs (except Swiss Cattledogs)

Saarloos Wolfhond


The Saarloos Wolfhond is a dog breed originating from the crossing of a German Shepherd Dog with a Eurasian grey wolf from Siberia. The offspring were then crossed with German Shepherds. The Saarloos wolfhond is a strongly built dog whose build, coat and movement is wolf-like. The height is between 65?75 cm (26?30 in) in males and 60?70 cm (24?28 in) in females.[2] It weighs up to 45 kg (100 lb). It is an athletic dog in build, with medium bone, and a strong and muscular body. It moves lightly on its feet and has an elegant march. Its coat is short and dense, providing good protection from the weather. There are three colours: wolf-grey, red and white. Because the wolf-grey genes are dominant, this is the most common colour. Genes for white colour are recessive, making this uncommon although this colour is accepted. The Saarloos has wolf-like expressions, as well as a wolf-like head.

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