KCP Visiting Judges
Cristian received his first English Cocker Spaniel at the age of 6 but and started to show Spaniels at 12 and began to breed them just after he turned 18. Now he also has Azawakh and Carpatin Romanian Shepherd. He has bred and owns International, European, Romanian, Hungarian, Spanish, Gibraltar and Portugal Champions. As the Vice President of the Mures County Kennel Club he's one of the organizers of the "Dracula Dog Show" - the most important show in his country. He's also a board member of the National Carpatin Club and member of the Romanian Spaniel Club and World Dog Press Association. He has had many articles published about genetics, inheritance and anatomy in the "Dog Magazin" and "Cainele Meu". Fluent in English, German & Hungarian, Cristian has judged International Shows as well as Spaniel, Retriever, & Sighthound Club Specialty shows and BIS in: Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Israel, Russia, Letonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Romania.