KCP Visiting Judges
At the age of 22 - in 1991 - Dr. Tesics became the youngest judge of international rank in former Yugoslavia for all breeds in FCI Group X (Afghan hound, Borzoi, Whippet, Saluki, Greyhound, Sloughi, Azawakh, Deer hound, Irish Wolfhound, Windspiel, Magyar Agár, Chart Polski, Galgo Espanol).
In 1996 he was elected an international judge for all breeds in FCI Group V.
In 2008 he became qualified to judge FCI group VIII (Retrievers, Flushing dogs, Water dogs).
In 2003 he also became a judge for Lure Coursing. Dr. Tesics has judged at many of CAC, CACIB and club shows in Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Croatia, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Finland, Denmark, Russia, Ukraine, USA and Poland.
He has been successfully involved in the Afghan Hound breed since 1983, and later the Sloughi breed joined the kennel. Apart from his native Serbian language, Dr. Tesics speaks fluent Hungarian, German and English languages.