Georges De Cuyper, Belgium FCI Judge

Member of K.M.S.H. (Belgian Kennel Club) since 1978

Breeding Golden Retrievers since 1978
Flat-Coated Retrievers since 1982
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers since 1989
Bred several Belgian and International Champions
4x World Winner with Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers (4 generations)

Not breeding anymore since I became a judge.

Member of the examination-commission Judges (K.K.U.S.H.) since 1989

Judge since 1999 (started with Flat-Coated Retriever)

Training judges regularly on Dog-genetics, Nutrition, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology

Judged many times in Belgium and abroad (for example: Brussels Dog Show, Colombia, Oporto, St.-Petersburg, Prague, Nitra, Budapest, Dublin, Douai, Anger, Agen, Paris, Vilnius, Imatra, Moscow, Herning, Helsinki, Israel, Luxembourg, Eindhoven, Maastricht, Amsterdam, Cagliari, Echt, Riga, Zagreb, Split, Tartu, China, Mongolia, World Dog Show Stockholm, European Show Budapest, London Champion of Champions, Barcelona, Lisbon, Bejing, Bogota, Italie, European Dog Show Leeuwarden,  Hangzou , Gangzou, Leiden, Groningen , European Dog Show Brussels, Bosnie¨- Herzigovina, Montenegro, Seoul Korea, Australia, World Dog Show Amsterdam, Limoges, Amiens, Canada, Kazakstan, Usbekistan, Sydney)

President of the Belgian Flat-Coated Retriever Club
President of the Scientific Committee K.K.U.S.H
President of Honor in different Clubs
Cynological Speaker in Belgium, Netherlands and other countries
Member of the Belgian Kennel Club Board (K.K.U.S.H.) since 1999

Visiting Judge Profile

Georges De Cuyper, Belgium FCI Judge

Member of K.M.S.H. (Belgian Kennel Club) since 1978

Breeding Golden Retrievers since 1978
Flat-Coated Retrievers since 1982
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers since 1989
Bred several Belgian and International Champions
4x World Winner with Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers (4 generations)

Not breeding anymore since I became a judge.

Member of the examination-commission Judges (K.K.U.S.H.) since 1989

Judge since 1999 (started with Flat-Coated Retriever)

Training judges regularly on Dog-genetics, Nutrition, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology

Judged many times in Belgium and abroad (for example: Brussels Dog Show, Colombia, Oporto, St.-Petersburg, Prague, Nitra, Budapest, Dublin, Douai, Anger, Agen, Paris, Vilnius, Imatra, Moscow, Herning, Helsinki, Israel, Luxembourg, Eindhoven, Maastricht, Amsterdam, Cagliari, Echt, Riga, Zagreb, Split, Tartu, China, Mongolia, World Dog Show Stockholm, European Show Budapest, London Champion of Champions, Barcelona, Lisbon, Bejing, Bogota, Italie, European Dog Show Leeuwarden,  Hangzou , Gangzou, Leiden, Groningen , European Dog Show Brussels, Bosnie¨- Herzigovina, Montenegro, Seoul Korea, Australia, World Dog Show Amsterdam, Limoges, Amiens, Canada, Kazakstan, Usbekistan, Sydney)

President of the Belgian Flat-Coated Retriever Club
President of the Scientific Committee K.K.U.S.H
President of Honor in different Clubs
Cynological Speaker in Belgium, Netherlands and other countries
Member of the Belgian Kennel Club Board (K.K.U.S.H.) since 1999

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