October 21, 2024

KCP already has a finalized criterion for a Dog to become a National Champion. Three New Titles have been introduced by KCP which are being explained below.

  1. Pakistan Champion.    A dog will be considered as Pakistan Champion if he wins 3 x CACs OR 3 x CCs under 3 x different judges.
  2. International Champion.    A dog will be considered as an Intl Champion if he wins 4 x CACIB awards under 3 x different judges from 3 different countries.
  3. Grand Champion.    A Dog which is already a Pakistan Champion will be considered as a Grand Champion if he wins 3 x BOB OR 3 x BOS OR 2 x BIS awards.
  4. Pakistan Junior Champion. A junior dog will be considered as Pakistan Junior Champion if he wins 3 x J. CACIBs or 3 x J. CCs or a total of 3 x mixed awards from J. CACIB or J. CC.

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