Published On March 24, 2024

1.        Order for Meeting.           Colonel (Retd) Kenneth Manmohan Roy, the President of Kennel Club of Pakistan, called the meeting of the KCP board of directors as per following details: -

1.1      Date:             16th March 2024 (Saturday)

1.2      Venue:          55-A, Broadway Commercial, DHA Phase-8, Lahore.

1.3      Time:             02:00 pm Onwards

2.        Roll Call.       Mr. Nasir Ishaq Malik, Secretary KCP, conducted the roll call.

3.        Quorum Complete for Meeting.           After the roll call The Secretary informed the President that the quorum was complete for the meeting as per The Constitution of KCP.

4.        Calling the Meeting to Order.    As the meeting was in quorum, President called the meeting to order.

5.        President’s Opening Remarks.  President KCP, gave the opening address.

5.1      The President welcomed all members of the managing committee in the meeting.

5.2      The President also added that show season 2023/24 was the best show season in history of KCP by all means. Participation, exhibition and Judging everything was par excellence.

5.3      President appreciated the Chairperson of the Show Committee Mr. Nasir Malik for excellent organization and conduct of shows. He told secretary to register his appreciation for the Show Committee for a wonderful job.

5.4      Office holders of KCP and other affiliated breed clubs are responsible to spread awareness, openly or privately, in others for better keeping of dogs.

6.        Agenda Points for the Current Meeting

6.1      Approval of the Minutes of the last Managing Committee Meeting.

6.2      Matters arising out of Minutes of previous meeting.

6.3      Review of the last Show Season and suggestions for the next Show Season.

6.4      Ratification of the affiliation of the Azad Kashmir Kennel Club.

6.5      Ratification of points approved by circulation.

6.6      Proposal to reaffirm the Power of President to pass an Executive Order in urgent need.

6.7      Discussion on the letter of Mr. Farid Qureshi President Pakistan Rottweiler Club.

7.        Approval of the Agenda Points.            The President asked the present members if anyone wanted to add any point in the agenda. No further points were added. Agenda Points were unanimously approved. All present members signed the agenda points.

8.        Secretary’s Report 2023/24

8.1      In many past seasons we use to have 2 x CACIBs per season, but in previous 2 x seasons we had 3 x CACIB shows after a long time.

8.2      We also had dog shows in Karachi during previous season. Karachi Chapter conducted 1 x All Breed Show and 3 x Breed shows. Karachi Chapter is coming up well.

8.3      As Chairperson Show Committee, I feel that our focus has only been on Bahria Town Ground for conduct of shows. It had added advantage of security other than being always available. But this caused a disconnect from other areas of the City like Gulberg and DHA. Fanciers from other areas have difficulty in travelling to Bahria Town to attend the shows. Hence in previous season we had dog shows in DHA and Gulberg. We will keep looking for more avenues to conduct the shows.

8.4      Breed clubs have to support CACIB and KCP All Breed shows by entering good and more dogs. GDCP shows full support to CACIB shows to make them successful. Whereas PRC and GSDCP are reluctant to show their dogs in CACIB shows. These clubs mostly want to show their dogs under specialty judges in breed specialty shows. It is strongly suggested that affiliate clubs must work towards success of KCP Shows like CACIBs.

8.5      Individuals can have their personal opinion. Individuals have the right to discuss the quality of judging in personal gatherings with family and friends. But the same is not allowed to be done during the show. A judge cannot be disrespected.

9.        Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting.   Minutes of previous meeting of KCP which was held on 27th May 2023 were presented by the secretary for endorsement of the present members. Minutes were endorsed by all the present members.

10.      Discussion on Agenda Points

10.1    Ratification of the Affiliation of the Azad Kashmir Kennel Club. The club was accepted as a breed club and affiliation with KCP was granted by President KCP using his executive powers. It was ratified by the present members during the meeting. Executive order No. KCP/A-4/365/Clubs dated 18 January 2024 is appended below as Annexure A.

10.2    Ratification of Points Approved by Circulation.       The preferred way to approve any agenda point is by physically holding the Managing Committee Meeting. However, sometimes physical meetings are difficult to be held because of lack of time, availability of members, who have to travel long distances for one or two minor approvals. Therefore, Managing Committee resolved that in such cases, the approval can be obtained by Video Conference or by Circulation. Following decisions take through circulation were validated by the members during meeting.

10.2.1            Addition of Mrs. Sumbal Shahbaz to Managing Committee

10.2.2            Acceptance of resignation by Lt Col (Retd) Faiz Mukhtar

10.3    Proposal to Reaffirm the Power of President to pass an Executive Order in Urgent Need.         It was resolved that the power already given to President to pass an executive order should continue. If President, in his opinion, feels that it is required for the running of KCP and meeting of Executive Committee cannot be called, he may pass such an order. However, this executive order will be ratified by the Managing Committee in the next meeting. If Managing Committee does not ratify in the next meeting, ipso-facto, this order will cease to exit.

10.4    Discussion on the Letter of Mr. Farid Qureshi (President PRC). KCP Letter No. KCP/36/40/Affl dated 13 February 2024 (appended below as Annexure B) stated that Rottweiler Club of Pakistan (RCP) can reactivate itself because its affiliation with KCP was still intact. As a response President Pakistan Rottweiler Club (PRC) sent a response letter to KCP. After discussion the matter at length a committee was formed to further probe the issue and find a solution acceptable by all parties. The committee will form TORs for the said inquiry and will submit its findings, opinion and proposal for way forward to the managing committee of KCP in 4-6 weeks. The committee is appended below: -

10.4.1            Mohsin Naqvi

10.4.2            Faheem Asghar

10.4.3            Omer Asjad Malhi

11.      Closing Remarks by the President.      At the end the president thanked all present members who made it convenient to attend the meeting. President once again appreciated the managing committee members for doing good job towards the club.

12.      Conclusion of the Meeting.        All agenda points were discussed at length. Minutes will be put up to Secretary and the President for approval. After the meeting was closed by the President the quorum was adjourned by the Secretary.


Annexure A

Annexure B

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