Minutes of Show Coordination Meeting
February 12, 2022
A Zoom meeting was called by Secretary of KCP to streamline coordination aspects of the upcoming FCI CACIB and GDCP Championship Shows which are being held on 20th February 2022 in Bahria Town Lahore. Open to read further details of the meeting.
Show Regulation Committee
February 10, 2022
Names of Show Regulation Committee formed to look after affairs related to KCP Sanctioned shows are being published for information of all members.
FCI International Show - Lahore
February 7, 2022
FCI CACIB Show will be held in Rose Garden Park of Bahria Town Lahore on 20th February 2022. It will be judged by an FCI All Breed Judge from Cyprus, Savva Andreas. It will be held alongside an GDCP Championship Show at same venue which will be judged by another FCI all breed Judge from The UK Mrs. Jill Peak. Come and enjoy two shows at same venue on same day.