Rules & Regulations
Judging Procedure
Class Judging: Dogs and Bitches will be individually and separately judged according to their classes, starting with the Baby Puppies. The judge will grade all the dogs presented but will place the exhibits 1st, 2nd and 3rd only. The dog and bitch placed First in its class, irrespective of its grading will be called "Class Winner" and will be awarded Blue Ribbon.
Winner of Winners Bitch: At the conclusion of judging all classes, the steward will call all the class winner bitches (having Blue Ribbon) except winners of Baby and Puppy classes. At this stage, the judge will award Challenge Certificate (CC) to a bitch other than the winner bitch of Champion class. However, the award of CC is NOT automatic. If the judge feels that there is no bitch with "such a merit as to be worthy of becoming a champion", he may withhold a CC. Now the judge will select Winner of Winners bitch, which obviously will be either the winner bitch of Champion class or the one, which has received a CC. This will be the Best Bitch of the Breed.
Winner of Winners Dog: The above procedure will be repeated to select a Winner of Winner Dog i.e., the Best Dog of the breed.
Note: To help judge ensure that a Champion Dog is not awarded a CC, the winner of Champion class, irrespective of its catalogue number will be placed first in the judging lineup, followed by winners of Open, Intermediate and Junior classes.
Best of Breed: After Best Dog of the Breed and Best Bitch of the Breed has been separately selected, the judge will select the Best of Breed and Second Best of the Breed.
Best in Group: After Best of Breeds of all the breeds in a particular Group have been selected, the steward will call and lineup all the Best of Breed winners for the judge to select the Best in Group and reserve Best in Group.
Best in Show: After all the ten Best in Group winners have been selected the steward will call all the Group Winners and line them up for the judge. The judge will select the Best in Show, the Second Best in Show and Third Best in Show.